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Have you ignored a text, either on purpose or by accident?
I literally ignore texts all the time lmao
I have but I'm just awful at texting
Probably, but it would never have been intentional
Nope, I always reply to a text
Have you ghosted somebody (stopped talking to someone you were texting or dating without a word or explanation)?
Yeah and I'd do it again if I wasn't interested in somebody
Yeah, but only because I didn't know how to break it off
I have but it was the kindest thing to do
I would never, that's awful
Have you told a lie?
I lie all the time
Well of course, everybody tells lies from time to time
Maybe a little white lie but nothing major
Nope, I'm always honest and upfront
Have you been petty or passive-aggressive?
I live the petty life, it's a full-time occupation
A couple of times, to people that deserved it
I might've done something that seemed passive aggressive, but it wasn't meant that way
No, I'm not like that
Have you subtweeted or indirected somebody on social media?
Isn't that what social media's for?
Yeah, but it's nothing I wouldn't say to their face
No, but I really wanted to, I was just too scared of being called out on it
No, that seems kind of immature
Have you gossiped at all this year?
Absolutely, I love spilling the tea
I have, but not constantly
Maybe a couple of times, but nothing was intended to be bitchy
No, I don't do gossip